What Is Psoriasis: Causes, Symptoms and Natural Remedies For Psoriasis


What is psoriasis? One of the most common skin infections that people are currently facing is Psoriasis. Psoriasis is a skin auto immune disease.

By auto immune, you have to understand that it appears when your body is some kind deregulated and your antibodies attack your own cells and tissues. When this happens in your skin, you can have Psoriasis.

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Scientists also discovered that Psoriasis is genetic: if you have parents or close relatives with this disease, the chances of you having it too are far greater. If you have this genetic predisposition, your contact with certain stimuli triggers the onset of the disease.

These stimuli vary a lot, but the main are: smoking, stress, skin irritation (especially with topical remedies including acids), infections (especially with Streptococcus), intense sunlight, phototerapy, HIV and sunburn. It's strongly recommended that you avoid these factors if you think you have this predisposition.

Generally there are five types of Psoriasis, they are: Guttate Psoriasis, Pustular, inverse, erythrodermic and plaque psoriasis which is the most common type of psoriasis found in people.

Plaque Psoriasis

It's the simpler and less harmful variation of Psoriasis. 80% of the people with the disease have this variation. The symptoms are lesions red-colored, with a kind of silvery white cover above the wounds. The plaque psoriasis is found usually on knees, lower back, scalp and elbows.

Guttate Psoriasis

The lesions of this kind of psoriasis are smaller than the wounds of plaque psoriasis, and appear in the body as right dots of lesions. It's something like chickenpox. Usually they appear in the trunk and limbs.

Inverse Psoriasis

This psoriasis usually affects the folders of your skin, as on genital parts, below the breasts and in the armpits. The lesions of inverse psoriasis type usually shine a bit, and again, they appear with the red color.

Pustular Psoriasis

This kind of psoriasis is more harmful from the others, because its chances of spreading throughout the body are very higher. With the lesions, there is a formation of scaling and pustules containing a bit (or a lot) of pus. You can detect on many parts of the body, especially in the hands and feet.

Erythrodermic Psoriasis

This kind of psoriasis is far more harmful than all the other kinds of this auto immune disease. It may appear together with pustular psoriasis. In this kind of psoriasis, your skin displays a fiery red color on the lesions, that can wide spread all your body.

Often times, the Erythrodermic Psoriasis requires hospitalization. So, if you have skin lesions on many parts of your body, you may consult a good dermatologist on your location.

Psoriasis Treatments

There are a few psoriasis natural remedies that will help in reducing the severity of psoriasis. The best natural remedies are: you can take bath with hot Epsom salts and after you bath you can massage olive oil on the affected area, you can mix sea salt in water and apply that on the affected area, you should take bitter guard juice with lime juice on an empty stomach for at least five months, you can use cabbage leaf pulp too on the affected area.

Sunlight is one of the best psoriasis natural remedies. Shampoos, gels, creams, and other topical products containing salicylic acid may also help to get rid of dead skin and scales caused by psoriasis.

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